Tag Game 4 - from Anis
Sbb dah sik tauk nak buat apa...jawab ajaklah tag game dari hasma tok..
[01] Real name: the one and only MAHANI BINTI HUJA HUSIN dalam dunia tok kali
[02] Nickname: nanee, dewi, dcd79, dewicintadunia, mhh
[03] Married: blm lagik..masih single
[04] Gender: Female
[05] High School: semekas, lepas ya smsk
[06] College: unimas
[07] Height: pendek jak...144cm
[08] Weight: skrg tok sik tauk..tp minggu lepas +-82kg
[09] Do you like yourself: Suka...cuma mun boleh mok kurangkan berat badan dan ke'cerobehan' mulut
[10] Piercings: Nope
[11] Right or left: Right
[12] Are you a freak : sometimes kali..hahaha..
[13] Hair: wavvy sikit n pendek..mun panjang mmg curly..
[14] Skin: putih kuning boleh sik?
[15] Allergic: belacan, udang, nyamok, lelaki yg kuat klaka..
[16] What are you doing now: jwb tag
[17] What will you doing 1 hour later: tdo
[18] What will you doing 10 years later: masih bekerja, mungkin dah senior sikitla..(39 years old)
[19] Live with mother/father/parents: diam dgn adik beradik ai..
[20] Siblings(included you): 5 orang
[21] Eldest: ai la..
[22] Youngest: armbipure
[23] Love/hate your family: mestilah sayangkan family..
[24] You found your another half: not yet
[25] If yes, who is he/she: ~na~
[26] If u not found your another half, who you want he/she to be: kekasih yang baik hati, yang mencintai aku apa adanya...
[27] Time(s) you in relationship: sik ada kali..tp rasa mcm ada..ntah la
[28] Ever woo boy/girl: ada..tapi sik berjaya..
[29] Anyone woo you before: ada..tp ai lambat sedar..last2 terlepas..
[30] Did anything wrong to your other half:~na~
[31] What was/were the wrong you had done: ~na~
[32] Ever argue with your other half: ~na~
[33] You with your other half since: ~na~
[34] Are you straight/Lesbo: Straight
[35] Reasons you love your other half: ~na~
[36] You and your other half in which stage: ~na~
[37] You woo he/she or he/she woo you: ~na~
[38] Ever think of marry he/she: ~na~ apa soalan semua sik boleh dijawab tok..
[39] Your first best friend: siapa oo?? sik dpt nak fikirlah..kah ai tok sikda best friend..ena lah rasanya..sbb ai selalu bersadu dgnnya mun hati ai ada masalah..huhuhu..
[40] Your first enemy: siapa oo..sik dpt recall..
[41] The friends you love the most: kawan2 ai di opis and kawan2 ai masa blaja dolok (di univ and di sekolah)-- yang masih bercontactlah..sayang ktk org semua..
[42] The enemy you hate the most(1only): no name
[43] Your most beautiful girl friend: siapa paling kacak oo?? Pn Jorah rasanya
[44] Your most handsome boy friend: kawan lelaki yg hensem? semuanya hensem...
[45] The kind of girl you hate the most: sik suka perempuan yg ngegeh n gediks..tolonglah..
[46] The kind of boy you hate the most: boy yg mulut cerobeh mcm perempuan...
[47] You fall in love with your close friend before: pernah..
[48] Your best friend is your ex-lover: sik...
[49] If your friend backstabbing you: sik maok kawan dgn ko lagik...
[50] If your friend betray you: sik tegur n kelai..
[51] If your friend woo your lover: amboi2...can aku pun ko maok?
[52] If your friends fall in love with you: hihihi...mun ai pun suka dgnnya juak..best la..
[53] If you fall in love with your best friend: simpan dlm hati jakla..mun nya suka juak..alhamdulillah..mun sik, terpaksalah melupakan..
[54] Are you a good student: I am good but not excellent
[55] You always done your homeworks/assignments: absolutely
[56] The teacher/tutor you love the most: cikgu math moden form 4-5, en paiee siran..hebat gila cikgu ya aih..
[57] Always late to school/college: kadang2
[58] Your class: Class of 2001
[59] You love your seniors: nope
[60] Senior who you love the most: ~na~
[61] Your classmates good/bad: ok2 jak semuanya...tp sik kawan rapat dgn semua..
[62] Excellent result classmate: hasma..ne ada aku xcellent..siapa excellent o?? sik kisahla..
[63] Laziest classmate: ntah...
[64] Smart people: they know abt many things
[65] Stupid people: susah nya nak ajar..ulang 2-3 kli pun x faham
[66] Good looking people: mun dpt pasangan hensem kira bonusla..tp kmk suka yg sedang2 untuk dijadikan kapel..sik susah nak jaga
[67] Ugly people: mun sidaknya sik over n perasan cantik..ai sikda masalah
[68] Funny people: boleh molah kt happy..
[69] Cute people: ailah kiut kali..
[70] Bad people: sik suka org jahat...
[71] Honest people: jujurlah padaku bila aku tak lagi suka....ehehe...susah nak carik
[72] Acting people: hipokrit..depn cakap lain, blkg cakap lain..
[73] You are what kind of people: org yang baik hati tetapi kurang sabar
[74] Lip or eyes: Lip
[75] Hugs or kisses: Hug...rasa dilindungi..
[76] Shorter or taller: Taller than me is enough - pinjam ayat hasma..
[77] Hesitant or spontaneous: spontaneous la..
[78] Nice stomach or nice arms: nice arm best..eheh
[79] Listener or talker: Listener and talker
[80] Romantic or rich: RICH and Romantic
[81] Good wife or Good mum: 2-2 la..
[82] Age to get marry: ntah bila nak kawen..calon pun xda..
[83] Numbers of kid(s): ai maok 5 orang anak..
[84] Career: naik pangkat dah i masa ya
[85] Salary: besar sikit dari sekarang
[86] Retirement age: 56 (tp plan nak bersara awal..)
[87] Properties value: rumah teres setingkat, kereta, perabot rumah..apa g reta ai oo..sik byk la..
[88] Wishes: maok bahagia, happy selalu bersama family. sihat sejahtera, banyak duit and sik lari dari pegangan agama...maok kurus n maok ada org k neman ai ..
[89] you
[90] pls tag your friends
[91] make sure your friend tag their friends too